Amiakhum Trip 06 Oct
Arrival On
Local CottageOne of the natural treasures of Bengal is the beauty of Bandarban, among which tourists from different parts of the country flock to see the beauty of Amiakhum almost all year round. Amiakhum Falls, located on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border, is seen as the paradise of Bengal. According to some, it is the most beautiful waterfall in Bangladesh. It is located at a remote place called Nakshiyang in Thanchi upazila of Bandarban. In the rainy season, the beauty of Amiakhum regains its fullness. Admitting many hardships, facing Amiakhum in the midst of the inaccessibility of the mountain is like a just sacrifice! This waterfall takes different forms in six seasons! A sea of Awater in the rainy season and clear blue water like glass in the winter.
What is "Khum"?
Khum is a Marma word. The main meaning of which is waterfall or khum is the place where a lot of water falls from above creating huge holes and there is always water. The shower usually dries up. Khum water may decrease or increase but it does not dry out at all. And fish is available in all khumei.
Amiakhum Falls is located in Thanchi, Bandarban, a land of natural beauty. This waterfall is in inaccessible area. Although it was known to the small ethnic groups in the vicinity, it was unknown to the people of the outside world. The influx of tourists started after 2000 AD. Even then, too many tourists do not want to come to Amiakhum due to the inaccessibility of the road. Even then, about tens of thousands of tourists visit Amiakhum every year.
To see this waterfall, one has to travel about 69 km from Bandarban by bus or jeep to Thanchi. Tindu Union is located about 13 km from Thanchi Upazila Sadar. The river Sangu flows between these two places. The distance from Tindu Union to Remakri Union is 9 km. In this Remakri the Remakri canal joins the Sangu river as a tributary and flows towards Thanchi. For this reason, if you want to reach Remkri by water from Thanchi, you have to come upstream. Again the Remakri canal coming from Nafakhum waterfall flows downwards and falls into Remakri waterfall. So if you want to go from Remakri to Nafakhum waterfall, you have to go upstream along Remakri canal. Then walk for 3/4 hours towards the Myanmar border and reach Sajiapara. After walking for about three and a half hours, we came across Amiakhum waterfall.
As soon as you go up a little from here, you start a rocky road decorated with many stones, big and small. After crossing the road very carefully, you will come across a huge rocky hill with a green, calm and clear stream in between. And Sat Vai Khum starts from here. Many also call it Velakhum. The next path will be by bamboo raft. After embarking on the raft, you will feel as if you have suddenly entered a rocky fort. This time it's just a matter of being speechless and looking with surprised eyes. And at the same time you will feel that the rocky mountains that touch the sky on both sides are welcoming you in the green forest with solemnity. The forest is embracing you in the kingdom and the green clear waterways are giving you a warm welcome. Although all similes are used to describe the beauty of Sat Vai Khum, perhaps the description of its beauty will be stingy. On the way back from the green forests of Sat Vai Khum, the waterways, the mountain passes and the rocky mountain kingdom, your companion will have a great feeling of a rugged, inaccessible and terribly thrilling journey.